PRODUCTION Macbeth: A Political Allegory
Data Type:photo
Title:Macbeth: A Political Allegory Performance Photos
Abstract:83 photos arranged in chronological order and with annotations.
Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang (as Enthusiast) plays snare drums and xylopone in the beginning of scene 1.
The three Enthusiasts singing "Fair Is Foul." From left to right: David Ta-Wei Ting, Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang, Anita Ying-Jeng Wang.
"Thane of Cawdor" prophecy (by David Ta-Wei Ting).
"Thane of Glamis" phophecy (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang).
"King" prophecy (by Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang).
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "Two truths are told."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "Cannot be ill; cannot be good."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "If good, why do I yield to that suggestion whose horrid image doth unfix my hair."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) looking at Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang).
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Hie thee hither."
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Greater than both, by the all hail hereafter!"
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Your face, my thane, is as a book where men may read strange matters."
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): ". . . then 'twere well it were done quickly."
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "That but this blow might be the be-all and the end-all here."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "But in these cases we but teach bloody instructions. "
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Was the hope drunk wherein you dress'd yourself?"
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Hath it slept since?"
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "And wakes it now, to look so green and pale at what it did so freely?"
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "From this time such I account thy love."
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "From this time such I account thy love."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) picks up the ring from the floor.
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valour as thou art in desire?"
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Like the poor cat i' the adage?"
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "Prithee, peace!"
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "I dare do all that may become a man."
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "When you durst do it, then you were a man."
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "And, to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man."
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "We fail!"
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "But screw your courage to the sticking-place. . . ."
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "And we'll not fail."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "I am settled."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "And bend up each corporal agent to this terrible feat."
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "False face must hide what the false heart doth know.
Lamenter (by Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang) sleeping.
Lamenter (by Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang) is stirred from sleep by the gunshot and ambulence siren. She starts to sing "O Horror."
Two Lamenters (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang and Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang) sing "O Horror."
Two Lamenters (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang and Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang) sing "O Horror."
Two Lamenters (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang and Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang) sing "O Horror."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) takes off his bloody shirt.
A jacket is descending from above.
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) throws away his bloody shirt.
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) after thowing away his bloody shirt.
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) admiring the jacket descending from above.
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) puts on the jacket.
US dollars shower down from above.
Divided acting areas: Lamenters (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang and Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang) singing in the left; Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) dancing in money in the right.
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) dances in a shower of money.
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) dances in a shower of money.
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Nought's had, all's spent."
Collaborator (by Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang): "You must have patience, madam."
Collaborator (by Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang): "Let your highness command upon me."
Collaborator (by Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang): "My duties are with a most indissoluble tie for ever knit."
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "How now, my lord! "
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang) shows Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) a passport.
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) is pleasantly surprised by the passport.
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) is pleasantly surprised by the passport.
Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Be bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn the power of man."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) is resolved to be bold.
Collaborator (by Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang): "Be lion-mettled, proud."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) and Lady Macbeth (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Seek to know no more."
Pessimist (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "I think our country sinks beneath the yoke."
Activist (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "We may again give to our tables meat, sleep to our nights."
Activist (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "All which we pine for now."
Passivist (by Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang): "Things at the worst will cease."
Pessimist (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "Let us seek out some desolate shade."
Activist (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Let us rather hold fast the mortal sword."
Activist (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Now we'll together."
Activist (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Let grief convert to anger."
Activist (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Our power is ready."
Activist (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang) cuts off a string hanging Macbeth's campaign sign.
Activist (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang) cuts off a string hanging Macbeth's campaign sign.
Activist (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Well, march we on."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "I have almost forgot the taste of fears."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "There is nor flying hence nor tarrying here."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "Arm, arm, and out!"
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "Blow, wind! come, wrack!"
A Cop (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang and Umy Yi-Hsuan Chang) puts handcuffs on Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting).
Cop (by Anita Ying-Jeng Wang): "Here may you see the tyrant."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting) sings "Tomorrow" behind bars.
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "Out, out, brief candle!"
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "A poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage."
Macbeth (by David Ta-Wei Ting): "It is a tale told by an idiot."
Curtain call.