出處:《暴風雨》2004 年首演節目冊

“Tragedy is based on conflicts. Shakespeare’s tragedy is about an individual fighting against a group. Monologue thus lost the original power because audiences could only see one part at a time. It was difficult for a monologue to present conflicts. From your performance, I saw your solidarity as a performer. I’ve invited you here because through this performance you shook the tradition of Peking Opera. You also shook the understanding of Shakespeare.”
Eugenio Barba (Artistic Director of Odin Theatre, Denmark)

“Visually Stunning.”
The Times (U.K.)

“In any language this is exciting theatre.”
The Guardian (U.K.)

“Sing-Song Magic of a timeless tragedy.”
Daily Mail (U.K.)

“An exciting visual entertainment that has its own moments of brooding violence and emotional intensity that can be enjoyed without knowledge of either Shakespeare or Chinese.”
Evening Standard (U.K.)

“I can well believe that Wu Hsing-kuo’s Kingdom of Desire marks a great stylistic breakthrough in its native Taiwan. A transposition of Macbeth to third century B.C. China, this is described as a rescue operation on behalf of the Peking Opera. I shall not forget Hsing-Kuo’s back somersault from a high rostrum to be impaled by his rebel army.”
The Independent

“Wu Hsing-Kuo, Wei Hai-Ming and the other performers all deserve their applause.”
Financial Times

“The play is an instant hit, the talk of the town. The outstanding performance of the cast deserves big applause.”
China Times

“I am curious about what kind of extraordinary culture could cultivate an outstanding artist troupe such as Taiwan’s Contemporary Legend Theatre. All these years, Theatre du Soleil has been experimenting a theatre from that could encompass all art elements. What we have been pursuing I see that it has been achieved by the CLT. From CLT, I see the dream of the theatre of the world.”
Ariane Mnouchkine (Artistic Director of Le Theatre du Soleil)

“The Contemporary Legend Theatre has found a new path by blending the traditional Chinese theatre and the modern theatre.”
United Times

“I have heard about CLT…Indeed, one of the best theatre companies in Asia. And what great leading actors they have.”
Louis Helmer (Director of World Musical Theatre Festival, Amsterdam)